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FIRESMART Plan for 2024 (click for full PDF document)

Fire-Smart in Victoria Beach 2024 

This year is predicted to be an extremely hazardous fire season, with current models identifying significant factors leading to another record setting wildfire season. Victoria Beach is a community that could easily be impacted by a fire due to its extensive wildland/urban interface, where even a small brush fire could lead to a disastrous loss of private residences and public spaces alike. In response, the RM of Victoria Beach Council, along with the public works department, Fire-Smart Canada, Manitoba Sustainable Development, the VB community at large and multiple private arborists will implement a plan to mitigate potential fire hazards, and educate the public with regards to the program, and the benefits it brings to the community. 

Below is an outline of the steps Victoria Beach will undertake beginning in 2024, along with proposed priority areas that will be great examples to educate the public on the basic principals of Fire-Smart. 

Project List for 2024: 

1. Scott Point 

2. Revisions of Wildland Urban Interface Mitigation Plan 

3. Re-establishing Firebreak 

4. Moonlight Inn and Tennis Court area 

5. Increase Public Awareness

~ for the full document please click the link for the complete FIRESMART plan noted above ~